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Examples For Exam IV

If it is not already on your hard drive, you will need to download the free DPGraph Viewer to view some of the pictures linked to on this page.   QuickTime 7 free download.


Maple Worksheet on Partial Derivatives and Multiple Integrals

Calculus II volume review examples


Volume Example 1a

Find the volume of the region of space (or solid) above the graph of the function g(x,y) and below the graph of the function f (x,y) with the bounds on x and y as given below.  Here is a DPGraph picture of the solid (or region of space).

Click here or on the picture to see a Maple worksheet, including pictures, investigating this example including approximations to the volume using a sum of the volumes of approximating rectangular boxes.  The region along with one approximating rectangular box is pictured at the right.

Click here for an animation showing different views and the heights of each approximating box.  QT version


Volume Example 1b

Click here or on the picture on the right to see an animation showing the region being filled with 10 approximating boxes.  Quicktime version    Click here to see the Maple worksheet for this example which includes constructing the pictures for the animation.  PowerPoint Show  


Volume Example 1c

Click here to see a Maple worksheet for this example which includes the construction of pictures used in this animation which shows the volume approximated by 15 rectangular boxes.  Quicktime version    The picture at the right shows the region of the xy-coordinate plane partitioned into 15 equal sized rectangles with the height of each approximating rectangular box shown in red.



Section 13.2 #28 (6e 24)  DPGraph Picture

Find the volume of the solid in the first octant bounded by the graphs of

The volume would be computed by integrating z = 4 - y2 over the region shown on the right.


Click on the picture above to see a picture of the solid.



Section 13.2 #32 (6e 28)  DPGraph Picture

Find the volume of the solid in the first octant bounded by the graphs of


Click on the picture above to see a picture of the solid.



Section 13.2 #44 (6e 40)

DPGraphPicture    DPGraphPicture2


The volume is found by integrating the function 

over the region shown above.  (see DPGraph Top View)

Click on the picture above to see a picture of the solid.



Area of a Polar Region (t is theta in the animations)


Section 13.3 (6e #10)     animation    QT

Use a double integral to find the area of the region bounded by the graph at the right, function given below.


Click on the picture to see another plot with terminal sides of angles theta drawn in blue extending a distance r from the origin (pole).  Click here to see the graph on "polar graph paper".


Section 13.3 #42 (6e 12)     animation    QT

Use a double integral to find the area of the region indicated on the right, function given below.


Click here to see the graph on "polar graph paper".



Area of a Rose Petal


Find the area of one petal of the graph of



Notice the limits of integration.


Click on the picture at the right to enlarge.



Section 13.3 #20 (6e 18)


Click here to see an animated point moving along the curve.  Theta is t in the animation and is taking on values from zero to pi.  QT

Click here to see the graph on "polar graph paper".


The double integral would represent the volume of the region between the two surfaces shown above.  That would be the figure indicated in this DPGraphPicture.  Here is a DPGraphPicture showing the intersecting surfaces.

Here is a DPGraph picture of the surface z = x2 graphed over the region of integration done using cylindrical coordinates and here is the same surface along with the cylinder

x2 + y2 = 4y graphed transparently making use of cylindrical coordinates.  The graphs have actually been shifted in order to be able to draw them this way--that is why "Box" has been turned off.


Maple Worksheet



Mass, Moments, and Center of Mass of a Planar Lamina


DPGraph picture of the plate with a colorization that somewhat corresponds to the density function although colors do repeat on the right side of the plate.  Click on the plate above to see a colorization that perhaps better represents the density function.  Click here for a density function colorization taken from a Maple contour plot.



Surface Area Example

Find the area of the surface defined by the function f(x,y) over the region defined below.  Click here to see a brief discussion of the development of the surface area integral formula used in this problem along with pictures (Powerpoint Presentation).  Click on the picture at the right to see an enlargement.  Click here to see an animation showing a variety of views.  Quicktime version

Here is the Maple worksheet that creates pictures that zoom in on the point of tangency shown above.  QT version

The picture below on the left shows the surface.  The picture below on the right shows an approximation to the surface using 15 "pieces of tangent planes".  Click here to see a Maple worksheet further investigating the surface area being looked at in this problem including approximating the surface area using 15, 60, 240, and 960 "pieces of tangent planes"..  Here is an animation going from the picture below on the left to the picture below on the right.  Quicktime Version.

Click here to see an animation showing different views of four approximating pieces of planes.  QT version

Click here to see an animation showing different views of the fifteen approximating pieces of planes.  QT version



Section 13.5 #37 (6e 35)

Surface Area Example

Find the surface area of the solid of intersection of the cylinders whose equations are x2 + z2 = 1 and y2 + z2 = 1.

DPGraphPicture of the intersecting cylinders

DPGraphPicture of the surface

DPGraphPicture of the portion of the surface above the region at the right

DPGraphPicture of the surface and the plane tangent to the surface at the point (0.6,0.2,0.8) over the region specified below.


Zoom-in-out on the plane tangent to the surface x2 + z2 = 1 at the point given below:

   Use the scrollbar and activate a.  If you change a.maximum to 100 you will not be able to tell the difference between the surface and the tangent plane when a = 100.

A picture of the triangular region over which the double integral will be iterated is shown at the right above.  


          DPGraph view from the top of the portion of the surface over the region shown above


Click the picture to enlarge.

Here is a Maple Worksheet that graphs the cylinders and computes the desired surface area.



Surface Area--Extra Credit

DPGraph Picture   You can use the scrollbar to vary b from 0 to 16.



Volume Example

DPGraph Picture     Maple Picture



Volume Example

Find the volume of the wall bounded by the graphs of the surfaces given below.  The region over which we would be iterating the double integral is pictured at the right.  Click on DPGraphPicture to see a 3D representation of the wall.  Click on DPGraphPicture2 to see the wall placed in an xyz-coordinate system.

Click on the picture above to see a Maple picture of the wall.



Volume Example  

Find the volume of the region of space bounded by the graphs of z = x2+2y2, z = 2, and z = 8.  See the graph on the right.  Click on the picture to see an animation.  DPGraphPicture

There is more than one method to compute this volume.  I will demonstrate three methods.  The picture on the right shows the level curves (ellipses) for the surface corresponding to z=2 (green) and z=8 (blue).



Method 1

One option would be to integrate over the small ellipse, the level curve for z=2, with z going from 2 to 8 (i.e., the area of the small ellipse times 6) and add to this the result of integrating over the region between the two ellipses (between the level curve for z=2 and the level curve for z=8 which I am calling region R) with z going from x2 + y2 to 8.


Method 2

An alternative would be to find the volume of the whole paraboloid up to z=8 and then subtract from this the volume up to z=2.


Method 3

Another option is to find the cross section area of a slice perpendicular to the z-axis and integrate this cross section area function of z from 2 to 8.



Mass, Moments, Center Of Mass of a Solid

DPGraphPicture1    DPGraphPicture2

Pictured below is the intersection of the solid with the xy-coordinate plane.  Click on the picture to see a Maple picture of the solid.

Here is a DPGraph transparent picture of the surfaces along with the center of mass.

Here is a DPGraph picture of the solid with the color corresponding to the density function.



Section 13.7 #13

The picture above is meant to represent 1/4 of the region we are integrating over.  Click here or on the picture to see an enlargement.  Click on DPpicture to see a DPGraph visualization of the full region we are integrating over.

Below is a picture of the whole region we are integrating over.



Section 13.7 #14

Click here or on the picture above to see an enlargement of the diagram.  Click on DPpicture to see a 3D graphic of the region we are integrating over or click on DPGraphPicture to see the various surfaces extended.



Section 13.7 #15 with a = 2    DPpicture

Click on the figure above to see an enlarged version.  The top part of the figure is representing 1/4 of the region being integrated over (shown below)




Section 13.7 #18 (6e 26)     DPpicture     DPPicture2

Section 13.7 #32(Variation, a = 2, b = 4) (6e 30)     DPpicture    DPpictureTransparent


Another Volume Example--Extra Credit

DPGraphPicture      DPGraphPic3Surfaces

The picture at the right shows the level curves for the first two surfaces described above corresponding to z = 5, cylinder in green, paraboloid in red.



Section 13.8 #19

Region R

Click the Pic to See the Solid



Region S

Click the Pic to See the Solid

DPGraphPicture x = u, y = v







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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats