
The Skier's Path

Adapted from the Maple 8 Getting Started Guide

A skier is close to the top of a mountain.  She wants to take the steepest path down.  This worksheet investigates finding this path.

The height at a point on the mountain as a function of (x,y) is given by

f(x,y) = 3/(1+x^2+y^2)/(1/4+1/2*(x+1)^2+1/2*(y+2)^2) , in thousands of feet.

Picture of the Mountain

>    x:='x';

>    y:='y';

x := 'x'

y := 'y'

>    with(plots):plot3d(3/((1+x^2+y^2)*(1/4+((x+1)^2)/2+((y+2)^2)/2)),x=-4..3,y=-4..3,numpoints=2500,axes=boxed,orientation=[35,60],contours=20);

[Maple Plot]

>    f:=3/((1+x^2+y^2)*(1/4+((x+1)^2)/2+((y+2)^2)/2));

f := 3/(1+x^2+y^2)/(1/4+1/2*(x+1)^2+1/2*(y+2)^2)

>    fx:=diff(f,x);

fx := -6/(1+x^2+y^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(x+1)^2+1/2*(y+2)^2)*x-3/(1+x^2+y^2)/(1/4+1/2*(x+1)^2+1/2*(y+2)^2)^2*(x+1)

>    fy:=diff(f,y);

fy := -6/(1+x^2+y^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(x+1)^2+1/2*(y+2)^2)*y-3/(1+x^2+y^2)/(1/4+1/2*(x+1)^2+1/2*(y+2)^2)^2*(y+2)

Approximating the Peak of the Mountain

>    HighPt:=fsolve({fx=0,fy=0},{x,y},{x=-2..0,y=-2..0});

HighPt := {x = -.9026100199, y = -1.805220040}

>    assign(%);

Identifying a Point Near the Peak of the Mountain (Starting Point)

>    x1:=x+0.05;

x1 := -.8526100199

>    y1:=y+0.05;

y1 := -1.755220040

>    x:='x';

x := 'x'

>    y:='y';

y := 'y'

>    z1:=eval(f,{x=x1,y=y1});

z1 := 2.145631453

Contour Plot

>    contourplot(f,x=-3..2,y=-4..2,contours=8,filled=true);

[Maple Plot]

The Mountain with a Starting Point

>    start1:=pointplot3d([x1,y1,z1],symbol=cross,symbolsize=50,color=yellow):

>    Mountain:=plot3d(3/((1+x^2+y^2)*(1/4+((x+1)^2)/2+((y+2)^2)/2)),x=-3..2,y=-4..2,numpoints=2500,axes=boxed,orientation=[35,60],contours=20):

>    display(Mountain,start1);

[Maple Plot]

Approximating a Vector at the Starting Point in the Direction of Steepest Descent

(Note:  The x and y Components Are in the Direction of the Negative Gradient and the z Component Is Computed to Put the Endpoint of the Vector on the Surface of the Mountain.)

>    xx1:=eval(-fx,{x=x1,y=y1});

xx1 := .3264046262

>    yy1:=eval(-fy,{x=x1,y=y1});

yy1 := .239287847

>    zz1:=eval(f,{x=x1+xx1,y=y1+yy1})-z1;

zz1 := -.395168939

>    DirVec1:=arrow(<x1,y1,z1>,<xx1,yy1,zz1>,color=red,width=0.06):

>    display(Mountain,start1,DirVec1);

[Maple Plot]

Approximating a Vector in the Direction of Steepest Descent at the Endpoint of the Previous "Steepest Descent" Vector

>    xx2:=eval(-fx,{x=x1+xx1,y=y1+yy1})/4;

xx2 := .3036698195

>    yy2:=eval(-fy,{x=x1+xx1,y=y1+yy1})/4;

yy2 := .7073883875e-1

>    zz2:=eval(f,{x=x1+xx1+xx2,y=y1+yy1+yy2})-z1-zz1;

zz2 := -.396618652

>    DirVec2:=arrow(<x1+xx1,y1+yy1,z1+zz1>,<xx2,yy2,zz2>,color=red,width=0.06):

>    display(Mountain,start1,DirVec1,DirVec2);

[Maple Plot]

Approximating the Path the Skier Would Take Down the Mountain

>    g:=eval(f,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

g := 3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)

>    gx:=eval(fx,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gx := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[1]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[1]+1)

>    gy:=eval(fy,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gy := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[2]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[2]+2)

>    point3d:=Array(1..25);

point3d := Array(%id = 45416136)

>    route3d:=Array(1..25);

route3d := Array(%id = 45377100)

>    timestep:=0.1;

timestep := .1

>    point3d[1]:=<x1,y1,z1>;

point3d[1] := Vector(%id = 45648844)

>    for i from 1 to 24 do
end do:

>    listpoints3d:=[seq(convert(point3d[i],list),i=1..25)]:

>    path3d1:=pointplot3d(listpoints3d,style=line,color=red,thickness=3):

>    display(Mountain,start1,path3d1);

[Maple Plot]

The Path of the Skier Projected onto the Contour Plot

>    LevelContour:=contourplot(f,x=-3..2,y=-4..2,contours=8,filled=true):

>    gx:=eval(fx,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gx := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[1]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[1]+1)

>    gy:=eval(fy,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gy := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[2]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[2]+2)

>    point2d1:=Array(1..25);

point2d1 := Array(%id = 2855176)

>    route2d1:=Array(1..25);

route2d1 := Array(%id = 2855024)

>    timestep:=0.1;

timestep := .1

>    point2d1[1]:=<x1,y1>;

point2d1[1] := Vector(%id = 2824048)

>    for i from 1 to 24 do
end do:

>    listpoints2d1:=[seq(convert(point2d1[i],list),i=1..25)]:

>    path2d1:=pointplot(listpoints2d1,style=line,color=blue,thickness=3):

>    display(LevelContour,path2d1);

[Maple Plot]

The Path of the Skier Projected onto the Contour Plot   Starting Just Slightly on the Other Side of the Peak

>    x:='x';

>    y:='y';

x := 'x'

y := 'y'

>    HighPt:=fsolve({fx=0,fy=0},{x,y},{x=-2..0,y=-2..0});

HighPt := {x = -.9026100199, y = -1.805220040}

>    assign(%);

>    x1:=x-0.01;

x1 := -.9126100199

>    y1:=y-0.01;

y1 := -1.815220040

>    x:='x';

>    y:='y';

x := 'x'

y := 'y'

>    gx:=eval(fx,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gx := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[1]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[1]+1)

>    gy:=eval(fy,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gy := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[2]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[2]+2)

>    point2d2:=Array(1..25);

point2d2 := Array(%id = 23277672)

>    route2d2:=Array(1..25);

route2d2 := Array(%id = 23277564)

>    timestep:=0.1;

timestep := .1

>    point2d2[1]:=<x1,y1>;

point2d2[1] := Vector(%id = 23456828)

>    for i from 1 to 24 do
end do:

>    listpoints2d2:=[seq(convert(point2d2[i],list),i=1..25)]:

>    path2d2:=pointplot(listpoints2d2,style=line,color=blue,thickness=3):

>    display(LevelContour,path2d2);

[Maple Plot]

Approximating the Peak of the Mountain   Again

>    HighPt:=fsolve({fx=0,fy=0},{x,y},{x=-2..0,y=-2..0});

HighPt := {x = -.9026100199, y = -1.805220040}

>    assign(%);

Identifying the Point Again Near the Peak of the Mountain Used in the Contour Plot Above (Starting Point)

>    x1:=x-0.01;

x1 := -.9126100199

>    y1:=y-0.01;

y1 := -1.815220040

>    x:='x';

x := 'x'

>    y:='y';

y := 'y'

>    z1:=eval(f,{x=x1,y=y1});

z1 := 2.159682166

z1 := 2.145631453

>    start2:=pointplot3d([x1,y1,z1],symbol=cross,symbolsize=50,color=green):

>    g:=eval(f,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

g := 3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)

>    gx:=eval(fx,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gx := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[1]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[1]+1)

>    gy:=eval(fy,{x=P[1],y=P[2]});

gy := -6/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)^2/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)*P[2]-3/(1+P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/(1/4+1/2*(P[1]+1)^2+1/2*(P[2]+2)^2)^2*(P[2]+2)

>    point3d:=Array(1..25);

point3d := Array(%id = 30191976)

>    route3d:=Array(1..25);

route3d := Array(%id = 2720788)

>    timestep:=0.1;

timestep := .1

>    point3d[1]:=<x1,y1,z1>;

point3d[1] := Vector(%id = 2720868)

>    for i from 1 to 24 do
end do:

>    listpoints3d:=[seq(convert(point3d[i],list),i=1..25)]:

>    path3d2:=pointplot3d(listpoints3d,style=line,color=red,thickness=3):

Change the View of the Mountain

>    Mountain:=plot3d(3/((1+x^2+y^2)*(1/4+((x+1)^2)/2+((y+2)^2)/2)),x=-3.3..2,y=-4..2,numpoints=2500,axes=boxed,orientation=[-100,60],contours=20):

>    display(Mountain,start2,path3d2);

[Maple Plot]

>    display(Mountain,start1,start2,path3d1,path3d2);

[Maple Plot]

>    display(LevelContour,path2d1,path2d2);

[Maple Plot]
