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Antiderivative Examples



Area Approximation


Find the left, right, and midpoint approximations to the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the relations given using four approximating rectangles.  The figure at the left below shows the left and right approximating rectangles.  The figure at the right below shows the midpoint approximating rectangles.




Approximate the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the given equations with n = 100 using a TI and compute the exact area using the limit process.



Follow this link to a nice Section 4.2 Example by fellow Seminole State math instructor Scott Rickman.  The example uses DPGraph to demonstrate approximating the area under a curve by the left, right, and midpoint approximations.  The example is also notable for the very clever way he has done it.



Area Using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Powerpoint Presentation of the 4 Examples Below)


Compute the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the given equations.

Compute the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the given equations.

Compute the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the given equations.

Compute the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the given equations.

Note:  This is the area of a trapezoid  



Area Example

Can you tell what would happen as the right side boundary (x = 10)

moves farther and farther to the right resulting in the upper limit of

integration getting larger and larger?



EC:  Find the limiting area as B approaches infinity if the right boundary

is x = B.



Area Approximation

You will need to approximate x-intercepts in order to find the limits of integration.  You will need to do a numerical integration on your calculator to approximate the definite integral that represents the area.

Maple Worksheet    TI-84 Audio/Video Presentation



Here is a Maple Worksheet investigating the area of the region between the x-axis and the graph of f(x) = x3 - 2x2 - 3x + 10

and between the graphs of x = -1 and x = 3.



Other Examples of Integrals

Picture for the Definite Integral Part of the Example on the Left



Look at the picture at the right and notice that the definite integral below does not directly represent an area of a region.  Why?



Click here for a hint.



One More Indefinite Integral Example



One More Definite Integral Example

Can you tell which graph below goes with which integral above, a or b?


Average Value of a Function

The areas of the regions enclosed in blue below are equal.  If f > 0 over the interval being looked at then the average value of f over the interval will equal the height of a rectangle whose base is equal in length to the length of the interval.



Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

If f is continuous on an open interval I containing a, then, for every x in the interval


Find a function of x that gives the area of the region shown in the picture at the right.  The curve forming the top border is part of the graph of y = x2.  The other borders are two vertical line segments and part of the x-axis.  Click here or on the picture to see an animation corresponding to changing values of x.

Animation with shading and Quicktime version  



Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the Chain Rule



Total distance traveled when the position function is non-decreasing.

Thus if F is a position function and f is its velocity function, the total distance traveled for non-decreasing F would be

Observe that in the example below the position function is not non-decreasing everywhere.


Section 4.4 #97

The graph below shows position (not distance traveled) as a function of time.  Click here or on the picture to see a linear motion animation.  Quicktime animation




Section 4.5 #121


You fill in the rest of the details to answer the questions posed in the text.  In the pictures, f(x) is graphed in red, g(x) is graphed in green, and h(x) is graphed in blue.



Simpson's Rule and the Trapezoidal Rule


You will need to be able to describe in geometric terms what is going on when Simpson's Rule is applied and when the Trapezoidal Rule is applied.  Here are two animations to assist you.  The animations relate to using the Trapezoidal Rule and using Simpson's Rule to compute the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the given equations.



Trapezoid   TrapezoidQT   Simpson   SimpsonQT 


Here is the Maple worksheet relating to the creation of the animations.



P. 307 Review Exercises #13



P. 311 P.S. #7

In the picture at the right the parabola is y = 9 - x2 so a = 9.  You fill in the details to the questions asked in the text.



P. 311 P.S. #16








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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats