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Integration Examples


Integration by Parts



Maple Worksheet for Examples 1-11


Example 1--Section 8.2#24





Example 2--Section 8.2#47


The integral represents the area of the region pictured below.



Example 3--Section 8.2#53

The integral represents the area of the region pictured below.



Some Integrals Involving Trigonometric Functions


Example 4--Section 8.3#7





Example 5--Section 8.3#10





Example 6--Section 8.3#39





Example 7--Section 8.3#54




Trigonometric Substitution


Example 8





Example 9--Section 8.4#22





Example 10--Section 8.4#46





Example 11--Section 8.4#48


The integral represents the area of the region pictured below.



Partial Fraction Decomposition  (Maple Worksheet)    (Maple Commands--Factor, PFD)


Example 12




Example 13





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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats