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Examples on Conic Sections

Here are some animations that demonstrate the changing shape of an ellipse and a hyperbola each with a fixed center and changing foci and the changing shape of a parabola as the focus and directrix get closer and closer together.  Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola

This animation shows a conic section transforming from a circle to an ellipse to a hyperbola as eccentricity changes from 0 to 4 (e = 1 which yields a parabola is not seen and the ellipses disconnect).  Quicktime Version

Here is a page of examples and demonstrations illustrating the formation of a conic section as the intersection of a plane and a cone.


bullet A Parabola with its Focus and Directrix  This is my own Flash video/audio demonstration.
bullet Animation demonstrating the focus/directrix definition of a parabola


Example 1


Find an equation of the parabola going through the points (-2,7), (0,4), (8,12).





Example 2

Find the vertex and focus of the parabola whose equation is given.  Find the equation of its directrix.  Find the endpoints of its latus rectum.  Find the length of the parabolic arc intercepted by the latus rectum.

The graph below has the same scale on each axis.



Example 3    Maple Worksheet


Find an equation of the parabola whose focus is at (-2,3) and whose directrix has equation x = 4.


The vertex must be halfway between the focus and directrix (the midpoint of the magenta line segment in the picture) which would be the point (1,3).  Thus from




Example 4--Section 10.1#81


A solar collector for heating water is constructed with a sheet of stainless steel that is formed into the shape of a parabola (see pictures and picture in text).  The water will flow through a pipe that is located at the focus of the parabola.  At what distance from the vertex is the pipe?


The 6 ft and 1 ft dimensions shown in the textbook picture allow us to model a cross section of the solar collector as a portion of a parabola with endpoints at (-3,1) and (3,1) and vertex at (0,0).  It's focus would be at (0,k).  The task is to find k since that would give the distance from the vertex to the focus (pipe).


The standard form of the equation of a parabola that we could use here would be




Example 5--Section 10.1#87  Radio and Television Reception


In mountainous areas, reception of radio and television is sometimes poor.  Consider an idealized case where a hill is represented by the graph of the parabola y = x - x2, a transmitter is located at the point (-1,1), and a receiver is located on the other side of the hill at point (x0,0).  What is the closest the receiver can be to the hill so that the reception is unobstructed?


We need to find x0 such that the line determined by (-1,1) and (x0,0) is tangent to the graph of the parabola.







An Ellipse and Its Foci  This is my own Flash video/audio demonstration of the foci definition of an ellipse.


Hyperbola and Ellipse Focus/Directrix Definition  This is my Flash audio/video demonstrating the focus/directrix definitions of hyperbolas and ellipses.


Example 1

Find an equation of the ellipse with foci at (-2,-3) and (6,-3) and eccentricity 0.8.

Since the center of the ellipse is the midpoint of the line segment connecting the foci, the center of the ellipse is at (2,-3).  Since the foci are on a line parallel to the x-axis the standard form of the equation is




Example 2  Extra Credit


Prove Theorem 10.4, Reflective Property of an Ellipse, on page 699 in LHE, 8th edition for the special case pictured at the right using this ellipse and this particular point on the ellipse.




Example 3

Find the area of the ellipse whose equation is given.

To derive the formula we are computing 4 times the area of the region shown below.



Example 4--Section 10.1#103

Consider a particle traveling clockwise on the elliptical path indicated below.  The particle leaves the orbit at the point (-8,3) and travels in a straight line tangent to the ellipse.  At what point will the particle cross the y-axis.







Foci Definition of a Hyperbola  This is my own Flash video/audio demonstration.  Full Screen Version


Hyperbola and Ellipse Focus/Directrix Definition  This is my Flash audio/video demonstrating the focus/directrix definitions of hyperbolas and ellipses.


Example 1

Find the center, vertices, endpoints of the conjugate axis, foci, and equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola whose equation is given.



Example 2

Find an equation of the hyperbola with vertices at (1,0) and (-5,0) and the endpoints of its conjugate axis at (-2,-2) and (-2,2).

The vertices indicate that the hyperbola would have an equation in standard form as given below.



The center will be midway between the vertices at (-2,0).  The distance between the vertices is 2a and equals 6 so a = 3.  The length of the conjugate axis is 2b and equals 4 so b = 2.  Thus the equation of the hyperbola in standard form is




Example 3--Section 10.1#118 Navigation


LORAN (long distance radio navigation) for aircraft and ships uses synchronized pulses transmitted by widely separated transmitting stations.  These pulses travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second).  The difference in the times of arrival of these pulses at an aircraft or ship is constant on a hyperbola having the transmitting stations as foci.  Assume that two stations, 300 miles apart, are positioned on the rectangular coordinate system at (-150,0) and (150,0) and that a ship is traveling on a path with coordinates (x,75).  Find the x-coordinate of the position of the ship if the time difference between the pulses from the transmitting stations is 1000 microseconds (0.001 second).


Click here to view an animation of the ship moving from an x-coordinate of 150 to an x-coordinate of 50 along with the changing shape of the right branch of the hyperbola.  Small version  Both Branches






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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats