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Vector Fields
You will see why in class (see Theorem 15.1). Here is an example of how you can construct a conservative vector field. Begin with a function f. I will use the one given below. Now suppose we were starting with F and had not just seen where it came from. If we wanted to determine whether or not F is conservative we would have to check to see whether or not Comparing (1) and (2) we see that if h(x) = 2x and g(y) = 0 we will have a function f that satisfies the conditions required for it to be a potential function for F. Here is a DPGraph Picture of the potential function f with x, y, and z all varying from -2pi to +2pi.
Piecewise Smooth Curves See the definitions and at the beginning of Section 15.2.
We can easily represent the path from A to B by The path from B to C projected onto the yz-coordinate plane would be modeled by the yz-equation z = (y - 2)2. In the parameterization from B to C we will have to be at B when t = 1. One option would be In getting from C back to A we must be at C when t = 2. One option would be
Line Integrals (Integrating a function over a curve) See the definition of a line integral in Section 15.2 of your text and Theorem 15.4.
Example Evaluate the line integral of f(x,y,z) = 1 + x over the piecewise smooth curve C (made up of C1, C2, C3) demonstrated earlier. Note that we could have parameterized each of C1, C2, C3 with t going from 0 to 1 as follows: If the curve C represented a wire whose density at any point on the wire was x + 1 then the line integral just computed would have given the total mass of the wire.
Line Integrals of Vector Fields--Work
Note that this is not meant to imply that the force vectors in the force field F would necessarily move the object from point A to point B (they might be pushing in the opposite direction). The formula above is simply giving the work done by the force field. It might be some other force acting to overcome the force field that is moving the object. Thus the integral above could result in a negative value. The formula is similar for work done in moving an object along a plane curve.
Conservative Vector Fields and Independence of Path Look at Theorem 15.5: Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals. Note this statement from your text:
Example Find the work done by the force field F on an object moving from P(0,0) to Q(2,4) three ways. Use two different paths and then use the fact that F is a conservative force field. Here is a DPGraph Picture of the potential function with one unit representing ten on the z-axis and here is the potential function along with the points (0,0,0) and (2,4,64). Methods 1 and 2:
HAPPY HOLIDAYS (If It Is Christmas Time) A Triangle Grab the corners to change the shape. An Isosceles Triangle |
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